Costs Associated with Self-Publishing a Book

Costs Associated with Self-Publishing

When it comes to self-publishing, there are certain costs that you are going to have to incur. In this article, we’ll be discussing each of those costs so that you know what is involved in self-publishing your book. While you can save money on many of these costs by doing the work yourself, if you have the budget for it, it is a much better idea to spend the money because there are definite benefits to going with professionals in many of these areas. Let’s look at five of the major costs associated with self-publishing.

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Writing the Book

The first cost will be discussing is writing the book. You’re going to have to write the book while you hold down a full-time job because the actual act of writing does not pay anything at all. Writing a book, starting with the novel outline process, can be pretty grueling. You’re only going to get Peyton people by your book, or when you get a major deal with the publishing house. If you self-published, then obviously you are going to have to wait until sales role in, and even after sales have rolled in for a month, you are still going to have to wait at least 60 days to get the money from Amazon.

Editing the Book

You may also have to pay for the cost associated with editing the book. Editing the book is an important step in the process, because you want your narrative to flow properly and you want all of the grammar and spelling mistakes to be removed from your book. In essence, you want your book to be as professional as possible when it goes up for sale on major sites like Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Designing a Book Cover

Another cost associated with writing a book is getting the cover design. The truth of the matter is, people do judge a book by its cover and they are going to judge yours by its cover as well. That means that you may have to spend some money in order to get a professional cover designer to create the perfect cover for your book. This way, you can give it the best chance possible of becoming a bestseller.

Formatting the Book

You are also going to need to format your book. This means making it look good on the inside. Depending upon which you are going to use, the print book format or the e-book format, you’re going to have to do different formatting. However, in either case, you are going to need to do some work to make it ready for publication.

Promoting the Book

Finally, you’re going to need to promote your book. There are lots of different ways that you can do this. Some people like to use the pay per click method of advertising with Google, while others like to use the CPM method of advertising on banners where books are discussed. One of the best sites to do this for reasonable price is the Kindle boards. However, there are lots of websites that you can advertise on.

Using Fading to Make Your Book Cover Better

Using Fading to Make Your Book Cover Better

One of the best tricks to use to create your book cover design is fading. Fading is when you merge two different pictures together or you merge a particular color background with a picture. This is a simple trick to learn, but it can make your covers exponentially better in quality. In this tutorial, we will look at step-by-step instructions on how to use fading.

Step One: Create Your Book Cover Template

The first thing you have to do is create your book cover template. You have to have the right dimensions for your book cover. Most people are designing for the Kindle cover. Since the dimensions change all the time, we will not be including the exact dimensions here. Instead, use a search engine like Google to search for current Kindle cover dimensions.

Step Two: Import Your Image

The second thing you have to do is import your image. The easiest way to do this is by using the file and open commands in Photoshop, opening your image into a brand-new document, and then copying the entire picture and pacing and and whatever cover template you have. Expand it or shrink it using the edit and free transform to get it to fit whatever cover template you happen to have.

Step Three: Import Secondary Image or Create Background

The third thing you have to do is import secondary image or create a color background. You can double-click on the background the comes included with every new document and it will transform it into a layer automatically when you press okay. Then, use the fill tool and choose a color from your swatches and then fill that background with that color.

Step Four: Create a Layer Mask

The next thing that you are going to want to do is create a layer mask. Click on your primary image, the one that you are planning to fade, and then find the layer mask button below the layer. It is a box with a circle in it. Once you click the button, there should be an extra icon next your layer to denote the layer mask.

Step Five: Use the Gradient Tool to Create a Fade

Your last step is to use the gradient tool to create a fade. You simply start at the outside of your image and then drag your gradient tool inward a slight distance to create a fade. The further you drag it inwards, the further in the fade is going to be. You can do this from any side that you want.

Step Six: Repeat as Much as Necessary

You will have to repeat this several times in order to get the fade that you want. Even if you’re only using one side, you are still probably going to have to do the fade five or six times in order to get the result of the want. It depends upon how much fade you want from your image and what background layer you have.

For more information on designing a cover, check out Reedsy